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The permeable: unique mesh array structure in three-dimensional space, 52000 holes, so that the hot air, moisture and freely, to ensure comfortable ventilation.

The biocontrol insects: mountain palm silk drawn from mountain palm tree, grows in the alpine region, has the advantages of high strength, good elasticity, anti corrosion, mothproof etc..

The advantages of the mountain palm since ancient times has been used in daily life, such as hygrophila (anti corrosion, anti moth), rope rope (anti corrosion, anti moth, high strength)

Soft and hard moderate: mattress hardness index of 57.3, in line with international ergonomics research proved that the best mattress hard and soft index of 60 + - 5 optimal theory.

Green products: all natural products, excluding chemical products, in line with the trend of green consumption.

The elastic: three unique equilibrium force decomposition function, can make the sleep in the maximum stress head, shoulders, hips three by balanced loading, and prone to sleep, regardless of the side sleeping supine, each contact surface, uniform stress. To maintain a good state of the spine, especially suitable for young people and middle-aged people.

The 0 noise: full palm structure, without spring, jumping on the bed surface rolling, still quietly, never like the mechanical noise of the spring mattress, affecting the quality of sleep.

The use of durability: 250000 times durability test, mattress structure intact, easy rebound

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